Advanced No-Till Weekend Intensive - October 19-20, 9am - 4:30pm
This advanced workshop is geared toward experienced farmers who have either started their no-till journey or are seriously considering transitioning their farms. Knowledge of soil science and commercial vegetable production will be assumed. Come get into the nuts and bolts of different bed formation methods, timing and durations of tarping/solarizing, pushing the limits of cover crops, undersowing and interplanting strategies, irrigation specs, mulch types and uses, maintaining field edges, nutrient management, perennial species to integrate in crop fields, labor considerations, and more. We expect a lot of farming knowledge to be present at this workshop. Snacks and lunch provided both days, and primitive camping is available at either farm.
Day 1: "Starting and Maintaining a No-Till Farm" will be at Frith Farm to learn the startup methods and established systems behind the success of a 14-year-old no-till vegetable farm grossing $100k per acre.
Day 2: "Transitioning a Tractor Farm to No-Till" will be at Stonecipher Farm (a 50-minute drive from Frith) to learn how an established 12-acre tractor farm transitioned to 4 acres of intensive no-till production - and increased yields, profits, and quality of life in the process.
October 19th workshop will be at Frith Farm, 61 Ash Swamp Rd, Scarborough, Maine
October 20th workshop will be at Stonecipher Farm, 1186 River Rd, Bowdoinham, Maine
Refreshments and lunch from the farm will be provided both days.
Cost is $350 for the full weekend intensive, or $200 for a single day. Sliding scale pricing is available for those who need it.