Join the Crew

Want to work

at Frith Farm?

The abundance of summer is upon us and we are hiring another crew member! This is an opportunity to experience the full range of our farming practices as well as join our on-farm community of ten people passionate about growing food and living in right relationship with land and each other.

What We Look For

- At least six months of outdoor work experience

- Excitement for physical work outside in all weather

- Attention to detail and ability to work alone or closely with others

- Enthusiasm, open-mindedness, and a respectful, positive attitude

- Demonstrated passion for land, food, and community

What We Offer

- Experience living and working as part of our on-farm community

- Daily farm-fresh lunches cooked by our amazing chef Sabra

- Produce from the farm and a monthly credit at our on-farm store

- Weekly time for community-building, education, and play

- Time off to attend MOFGA workshops and other educational events

- Horizontal management, with each crew member rotating through the different manager positions

- Hands-on experience in all aspects of no-till practices

- Compensation:

• On-farm housing, food, amenities, and a modest monthly salary


• Hourly pay with no housing provided

This ‘peak season’ position requires a full-time commitment for at least 3 months. To apply, please send a resume and brief description of why you’re interested to frithfarmmaine at We hire on a rolling basis.